Monday, July 20, 2009

Pink Lemonade and Atlanta

As promised here is the recipe for the pink lemonade vodka drink from the Summer Solstice party:
  • 1 (12 oz) can frozen concentrated pink lemonade
  • 5 cups Sprite
  • 2 1/2 cups vodka
  • Top off with water (We filled the empty pink lemonade can up twice with water)
  • In a large pitcher, combine all ingredients and stir. Refrigerate and serve chilled.
Haven and I were in Atlanta again last weekend and we found some really exciting stuff! We can't wait for the boxes to start arriving. It's always fun to see what new and different things they have at market. I'll be sure to post some pictures when I have some.
We are planning for The Pink Bee to be open November 14th and 15th this year, and we'll have additional information soon. But for now we're enjoying the long days and warm weather of summer!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Summer Solstice Party

I read lots of magazines and usually rip out pages with ideas of things I'd like to have/do. Sometime last year I found a great idea in the Real Simple magazine about throwing a Summer Solstice party. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, so it sounded like the perfect time to have people over. So, this year I threw a Summer Solstice party of my own. It gave me an excuse to hang paper lanterns in my yard, which made it a success in my book!

I decided to take the dining room table outside too, so we'd have plenty of room to sit! Although you can't see it from the picture the lanterns were hung on both sides of the patio. I'll have to post the recipe for the pink lemonade/vodka concoction we had to drink, it was really good!