In the South the Kentucky Derby is a big deal. It always takes place the first Saturday in May and is a good excuse to gather your friends and wear big hats. In college I made the trip to Louisville several times to the infield at the Derby, but must admit I hardly ever saw a horse. Now, I find that it's a lot more fun to gather some friends and family and watch it at home. If you're going to host a Derby party, it's fun to have your guests wear hats. At the Derby there are a wide variety of hats, from fancy store bought ones to ones made at home and adorned with plastic horses. If you're going to serve alcohol, mint juleps are a must. At the Kentucky Derby they are mainly served in souvenir glasses (at least they were in the infield!), but you could also serve them in silver mint julep cups. When I lived in Bowling Green, Kentucky they sold the official Derby glasses at local liquor stores, so it should be fairly easy to find them for your get together. I've got a collection of Derby glasses, some of which I got at the Derby and some I found on eBay. Here are a few of them:
For a little fun at your party, you can put all the horses names in a glass and have each guest draw a name when they arrive and award a prize to whoever draws the winner's name. The most important thing is to have fun!